“Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times.”
Dear Parents,
Our grade four students will lead our All School Meeting and share what perseverance means to them on Wednesday, January 18th at 9 AM.
Kindergarten registration will take place for our 2017/2018 incoming kindergarten students on Tuesday, January 24th, 2017 from 9 AM – 12 PM and on Thursday, January 26th from 12 – 3 PM. This is your opportunity to drop off registration paperwork. Children do not need to attend. If you know of any new families that have moved to your neighborhood, please tell them to contact the Greenwood School at 781-246-6460. Thank you!
Attention 3rd & 4th grade parents: We ask that you mark the dates below and avoid taking students out of school for vacations, doctor appointments, etc during the following important testing windows for MCAS. Students perform better when they participate in the state assessments with their classmates and the assessment is administered by their classroom teachers versus an unfamiliar test administrator during make-up sessions. 3rd and 4th graders will be tested on the same days this year.
Thursday - 5/11/17: Math
Friday - 5/12/17: Math
Monday - 5/15/17: Reading/Writing
Tuesday - 5/16/17: Reading/Writing
Thursday - 5/18/17: Reading/Writing
Have a great week!
Deb Collura