The child supplies the power but the parents have to do the steering.”
Dear Parents,
Last Wednesday we celebrated the 100th day of school.
We were treated to a parade by our kindergarten students dawning all things 100 on their bright red capes!
Well done kindergarten friends!
A reminder that school will be closed for winter vacation February 20th - February 24th. School will reopen Monday February 27th. Hopefully, we can complete the remainder of the winter with NO snow days. Fingers crossed!!!
Parents of grade 3 & 4 students, please note the important MCAS dates below. We ask that you refrain from scheduling appointments, vacations, etc… during the following testing windows.
- 4/27/17 - Thursday, ELA Unit 1
- 5/1/17 - Monday, ELA Unit 2
- 5/2/17 - Tuesday, ELA Unit 3
- 5/15/17 - Monday, Math Unit 1
- 5/16/17 - Tuesday, Math Unit 2
Have a great week!
Deb Collura