“Children need models rather than critics.”
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had an opportunity to enjoy the amazing spring-like weather we experienced last week! Hopefully the snow storms are behind us and we can look forward to spring (fingers crossed!)
Looking ahead, I want to remind parents of the upcoming professional development days this month. Wednesday, March 8 will be an early release day for students. Lunch will be served and students will be dismissed at 11:55. On March 17, there will be no school for students as teachers will participate in a full day of professional development.
Due to the stormy weather during February 7th's PTO meeting, we rescheduled the presentation on our newly adopted writing curriculum and the role of the literacy coach to the Tuesday March 14th PTO meeting. I hope many of you will attend this PTO meeting to learn more about how your children are learning to become writers!
Have a fantastic week!
Warm regards,
Deb Collura