From the Principal: 1/6/20

From the Principal: 1/6/20

Principal Back reviews some important policies, announces the next All-School Meeting on 1/16, hosted by the 4th Grade Leadership Team, and reminds everyone to check the lost and found before it is donated this week!

From the Principal: 12/16/19

From the Principal: 12/16/19

Principal Back reminds Grade 2 parents of this Thursday’s All-School Meeting, encourages families to sign up for the very first Greenwood School Science Fair, asks us to check the Lost and Found, and shares a message from the Wakefield HRC about their plans for MLK Day, for those who would like to be involved.

From the Principal: 11/25/19

From the Principal: 11/25/19

Principal Back reminds us of this Wednesday’s Early Release Day (no lunch), shares this year’s MCAS testing dates for third- and fourth-grade families, provides a summary of last week’s School Council meeting, and encourages families to donate toys to the WPS Toys for Tots collection.

From the Principal: 11/18/19

From the Principal: 11/18/19

Principal Back reminds us of this Tuesday’s Family Folk Dance Night and School Picture Retakes, informs us of the next School Council Meeting this Thursday, and encourages families to donate used coats to the Coat Drive.

From the Principal: 11/12/19

From the Principal: 11/12/19

Principal Back reminds us of this Wednesday’s early release day and last Parent-Teacher Conference session, shares details about Family Folk Dance Night on Nov. 19, and informs us of an upcoming Learn Anywhere “Dry Run”.

From the Principal: 11/4/19

From the Principal: 11/4/19

Principal Back reminds us of this Tuesday’s Pumpkin Recycling event and this Wednesday’s early release day, shares important perspectives on the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences, and provides guidelines for inclement weather.

From the Principal: 10/28/19

From the Principal: 10/28/19

Principal Back provides helpful information about setting up iParent accounts, shares a recap of the School Council’s first meeting last week, and reminds us of this Tuesday’s ALICE Drill and Thursday’s K-2 Halloween Parade, along with some other upcoming events.

From the Principal: 10/21/19

From the Principal: 10/21/19

Principal Back reminds us about this morning’s Evacuation Walk and provides information about two other upcoming safety drills, informs us of the Greenwood School Council’s first meeting this week, and invites K-2 parents to the Halloween Parade next week.